Friday, May 23, 2008

way too long

That's what it's been since I've written. My life has just been pretty much non-stop since the last time I wrote. I'm not even sure where to start. I don't think I have the time right now to actually sit and right everything that's been going on. I just want to brag a little before I run. B (my baby) was born almost 9 months ago and in those almost nine months I have lost 78lbs. YEAH ME!!!!! Don't mind me while I pat myself on the back lol. I also just celebrated my birthday and my wonderful husband surprised me by having a few old friends meet us out. These are friends that I've barely spoken to in the last 6 years. I'm thrilled beyond words to have these girls (women now) back in my life. We've known each other since elementary school so you can imagine what a bunch of giddy schoolgirls we were when the reunion occured. We all had no voices for the next 3 days. Ok that's all I've got right now but I promise (putting up my girl scout salute) that I will be back before the weekend is over. Cause I know all my millions of readers are so anxious to hear what's going on in this super exciting life!

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