Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Monday, April 28, 2008
at a loss
for words I am today, but I'm trying to keep my blog active. Throughout the day I write little blogs in my head but things only stay in my head for about 5 seconds before I'm thinking about changing diapers, wiping hands and faces, picking up M from preschool, attempting naptime, or any of the other 1,000,000,000 thoughts racing around in there (there's plenty of room for all those thoughts). So I'm just going to tell you quickly one of the many things I love. Maybe I'll start doing this ever monday, maybe I'll call it I Love Monday just for the pure irony.
I love the feeling of any of my sons' heads resting in the crook of my neck when I'm holding them.
oh and p.s. while I was writing this I got a call from M's preschool he had somehow got his leg stuck under the heater during reading time. He's FINE, but it made me think about all the call's from school I'll be getting in the future. BOYS I love em.
I love the feeling of any of my sons' heads resting in the crook of my neck when I'm holding them.
oh and p.s. while I was writing this I got a call from M's preschool he had somehow got his leg stuck under the heater during reading time. He's FINE, but it made me think about all the call's from school I'll be getting in the future. BOYS I love em.
Friday, April 25, 2008
slowly but surely
I'm starting to figure out what I'm doing with this blog. Now if only I wasn't just talking to myself lol. I guess in all honesty I feel more comfortable thinking that it's just me reading this.
Right now (shhh I have to say this quietly) all my boys are napping at the same time! I should be taking advantage of this time and folding some of that laundry still sitting in the basement. Or I could venture into the kids playroom to find the mouse that our cat may or may have not killed last night, but let's face it I'm a big wimp and am too afraid to even think about the possibility of a mouse being in there, dead or alive. I know I'm a mom of 3 boys I need to stop being so "girly" but I'm a city girl I grew up literally playing in the streets. The only wildlife there was us rowdy kids. I saw the rats in the subway and in the backalleys of Boston but learned to just ignore them. It's a little bit of a different story when there's a (teeny tiny) mouse running rampant inside my domain. Don't even get me started on my fear of frogs it's seriously debilitating. We have a small river that runs through our backyard and before much longer the frogs will have made their way up to my backdoor and I won't be able to step outside without my boys going out before me yelling frogs go away. I'm not really sure where I'm heading with all this I guess I just needed to get it out lol. I guess that's it for my ramblings I do need to get to some work. If anyone actually does read this I hope you enjoyed this glimpse into how random the thoughts in my head can be!
Right now (shhh I have to say this quietly) all my boys are napping at the same time! I should be taking advantage of this time and folding some of that laundry still sitting in the basement. Or I could venture into the kids playroom to find the mouse that our cat may or may have not killed last night, but let's face it I'm a big wimp and am too afraid to even think about the possibility of a mouse being in there, dead or alive. I know I'm a mom of 3 boys I need to stop being so "girly" but I'm a city girl I grew up literally playing in the streets. The only wildlife there was us rowdy kids. I saw the rats in the subway and in the backalleys of Boston but learned to just ignore them. It's a little bit of a different story when there's a (teeny tiny) mouse running rampant inside my domain. Don't even get me started on my fear of frogs it's seriously debilitating. We have a small river that runs through our backyard and before much longer the frogs will have made their way up to my backdoor and I won't be able to step outside without my boys going out before me yelling frogs go away. I'm not really sure where I'm heading with all this I guess I just needed to get it out lol. I guess that's it for my ramblings I do need to get to some work. If anyone actually does read this I hope you enjoyed this glimpse into how random the thoughts in my head can be!
Thursday, April 24, 2008
the originalTomKat...every new beginning comes from so other beginning's end
Since I've started this blog I've become slightly obsessed with finding and reading new blogs. Well I stumbled upon one (i'd link to it but I'm not sure of how this works yet and if that's "allowed") about that love (or lust) at first site that brought husbands and wives together. Obviously it got me thinking of how I met the tom half of tomkat (bet you can't guess his name lol, and no I don't go by Kat in real life but it's close). Anyway I found it really appropriate to right about this now because the anniversary of it is only a few short weeks away. It was my 21st birthday and my girlfriends were taking me out in Boston to celebrate. You should know a little background info here, I had just been having the WORST year of my life. Basically I had written off getting involved with any guys, and no my bad year wasn't over just petty guy stuff. Anyway back to the good stuff. It was my 21st birthday and the tradition with my girlfriends was to go out and kiss 21 guys on our 21st birthday (ah to be young and carefree again). Well after going to a few different bars we ended up in The Purple Shamrock. I was from the Boston area so it wasn't a big deal that I was out in Boston. But my husband is from Central MA so it was fate that brought us together lol. His friends had taken him out for a BIG night in Boston to get him back in the playing field since he had just broken up with a girlfriend. So my birthday was going good I had let 3 guys kiss my cheek (i did not want to really make out with 21 different guys), then I saw this HOT guy standing up against that railing in front of the makeshift stage. I pointed him out to my friend Lauren (she was the one in charge of rounding up the guys for me to kiss since I was too shy to do it myself) and said "I want to kiss him". But then I quickly tried to stop her cause I was afraid he was too HOT and I thought he kind of looked like a jerky frat boy that would be like um no way why would I want to kiss her. Luckily, she didn't listen to me and she went right up to him and told him it was my birthday and that he should kiss me. So she took me by the hand like a 12 year old and stood me in front of him, and I put my cheek out for him to kiss me. He kissed my cheek and then immediately said "is that it" (lol it all sounds so cheesy now but it still gives me butterflies thinking about it even as I'm writing this). I couldn't here what exactly he had said so I looked at him and attempted to say "what" but as I opened my mouth he grabbed me and started making out with me (see here's where I wish I was better with words cause it would've been nicer to say it in a more romantic way). The only thing that can be said about this kiss is a quote from my all time favorite movie The Princess Bride , " Since the invention of the kiss, there have only been five kisses that were rated the most passionate, the most pure. This one left them all behind.” Once the kiss ended he said "Um I broke up with my girlfriend 5 hours ago" LMAO, he now explains that the reason he said that was because he had felt the same way about the kiss that I had and he NEEDED me to know he was available. All I could say at that moment was something to the extent of, I hope you don't expect me to be a shoulder to cry on. Well for the rest of the night we were the only two people in the bar (at least that's how it felt to us) I think we were trying to dance together but basically we just swayed in the middle of the dance floor talking. We were only able to hear two songs that night and now anytime we hear these we look at each other and we are the only two people on that full dance floor again, one was the redsox anthem Sweet Caroline and the other was Closing Time. Well he took my phone number and of course waited the week to call then we went on our first date which is a whole other post I swear our first date was better than any first date imaginable. In about a month's time I had moved in with him and the rest is history as they say but we're still making our history and I'm loving every minute of it (even the minutes that I hate). So that is how the Original TomKat came to be, I think we're much cuter than that other tomkat couple out there!
Monday, April 21, 2008
running with pants around ankles
That's what my two year old E was doing this morning. He was just cracking himself up. Now normally I'd be (yelling at him) telling him to stop the running in the house. But this time I was able to see the shear joy on his face. The pure joy that hasn't yet been tainted by the worry of gas prices, the overwhelming pile of clean clothes waiting to be folded, or the fear felt on 9/11 (how's that for a variety of concerns in my head). And it wasn't the look of joy you see on people's faces when you mention it's only 9 months until Dubya is out of the office. It was just indescribable (at least for me since I'm at a loss for words). So at that moment I let him have his fun. And I resolved to try to find the joy in the little things I do. Now talk to me later when I get home from a day at The Boston Marathon. I'll just try to picture everyone running with their pants around their ankles when the crowds of people are walking completely oblivous into me and my large stroller pushing two kids and holding onto M's hand. Ok so I exaggerated a little bit. I won't be doing it alone my husband and dad will be helping but you get the point. So today remember it's lots of fun to run around with your pants around your ankles!!!
Saturday, April 19, 2008
This is the job that never ends...
yes it goes on and on my friends some people started "doing it" ;) not knowing what it was but they'll continue doing it forever just because... (because the "doing it" part is so much fun!) But seriously this parenting thing really does just go on and on and on. Where do I even start? How about 5:15 yesterday morning? M (the oldest) woke up and climbed into bed with us. My husband had a brilliant idea that he was going to take M fishing. So of course mommy had to get up to get the clothes which are all clean and sitting in piles in front of the washer and dryer in the basement. When does anyone have time to fold and put away clothes? Well by 6 all the boys were up and my husband and M were on their way out to catch the big one. E of course wanted to go fishing too, unfortuntely he's still too young to understand that next weekend is his turn. The rest of the day is filled up with the non-stop work and play that goes along with having 3 boys not counting my husband. It's not really hard work that goes into but boy does it tire me out. By the time bedtime rolls around I foolishly think the end of my day is near, but remember there really is no end. Just as I sit down to relax, I hear "mommy I have poopies". Then as soon as I get back downstairs from that diaper change, I hear M at the top of the stairs "mommy I need to go poopy". My husband is in the shower as all of this is going on of course. So M does is thing but wants to be carried back upstairs. I figure hey I didn't go to the gym today why not, maybe that will make me not feel so guilty when I sit down and eat a box of Junior Mints while I watch Sweeney Todd. So I carry M to his bed and go into my room to change into my jammyjams, just as I pull my pants up M bursts into my room "mommy I have a bloody nose". Back down the stairs we go and sit in the bathroom for another 10 minutes waiting for all the blood to stop. Of course M wants to be carried up again. Fine no problem like I said I can use the little extra workout. Plus I know that even though this job never ends the different stages fly by and it won't be very much longer at all that I will be able to carry him up or that he'll even want me too. I get everyone tucked back into bed and I head back to my spot on the sofa. I of course fall asleep watching the movie. I wake up enough to drag myself up to my room to sleep for what seems like minutes only to wake up and start it all over again. Don't get me wrong I never really want it to end I'd just like to push pause sometimes and just take a little break.

this is the closest thing I have to a pause button
a moment of mommy-M silliness caught to remember

this is the closest thing I have to a pause button
a moment of mommy-M silliness caught to remember
Friday, April 18, 2008
Ok here goes
Well I guess I need to start somewhere. I'm not sure where the urge came from to create a blog. But I did a few days ago and I've looked at the page a few times wondering why I wanted this, and when I'd take the plunge and start writing. I still haven't completely figured out the why but at least we know the when. (friday night while my husband's hanging out across the street with the neighbors and I'm sitting watching The Hills OnDemand LMAO) My mind is going in a thousand different directions of what I want to say right now so bear with me. I guess I want to explain why I'm not across the street with me husband. I have 3 little boys sound asleep upstairs in their bedrooms. I also feel the need to explain that I can be an extremely shy person(until i get to know you then you'd never believe i was shy) so I'm feeling hesitant about sharing anything on here. But I'm still typing so I guess for some reason I need to be doing this. I guess I'll just take this one day at a time and see how much I feel like sharing. I think I'm so hesitant cause I'm just not sure who will ever end up reading this so if you do read this introduce yourself lol.
Ok now enough of that random rambling. I'll introduce myself. (see here's where i'm starting to feel shy) For now I'll just say hi my name is K I'm married to a wonderful man (i'll call him T). We have 3 wonderful(difficult at times) little boys. (Yes I know I have my hands full I here it EVERYTIME I am out of the house) The oldest, M is 4 the middle, E is 2 and the baby (and yes LAST) is 7 months. We live in Massachusetts. We finally bought a house and settled down. Poor M has lived in 4 houses and 2 states since he was born. But we're back in MA where we're both from and we're very happily staying here. Though there are some friends from NC (where we lived for about 9 months) that I'd LOVE to transfer up here to be with me I miss them more than they can imagine and I find it amazing that I developed such wonderful friendships in the short amount of time we lived there (hi A and C if you come across this I love you)
Well I've lost my train of thought because my husband came home for a minute to get more beer and he sat down to chat for a minute. So I'll try to write again tomorrow but by all means give me some feedback if you find this and ask me any questions. That might help me open up a bit.
Oh and I also thought I should tell you that I only understand the bare essentials of this blogging thing I don't know how to do anything fancy but I'd love to learn so I'll probably go do some research right now. Which might possibly mean you'll be hearing from me again tonight if I learn something and feel like trying it out. Ok TTFN
Ok now enough of that random rambling. I'll introduce myself. (see here's where i'm starting to feel shy) For now I'll just say hi my name is K I'm married to a wonderful man (i'll call him T). We have 3 wonderful(difficult at times) little boys. (Yes I know I have my hands full I here it EVERYTIME I am out of the house) The oldest, M is 4 the middle, E is 2 and the baby (and yes LAST) is 7 months. We live in Massachusetts. We finally bought a house and settled down. Poor M has lived in 4 houses and 2 states since he was born. But we're back in MA where we're both from and we're very happily staying here. Though there are some friends from NC (where we lived for about 9 months) that I'd LOVE to transfer up here to be with me I miss them more than they can imagine and I find it amazing that I developed such wonderful friendships in the short amount of time we lived there (hi A and C if you come across this I love you)
Well I've lost my train of thought because my husband came home for a minute to get more beer and he sat down to chat for a minute. So I'll try to write again tomorrow but by all means give me some feedback if you find this and ask me any questions. That might help me open up a bit.
Oh and I also thought I should tell you that I only understand the bare essentials of this blogging thing I don't know how to do anything fancy but I'd love to learn so I'll probably go do some research right now. Which might possibly mean you'll be hearing from me again tonight if I learn something and feel like trying it out. Ok TTFN
see i told you

i'd be back. Unfortunately I haven't learned anything besides the fact that I there's TONS I don't know about this. I need some help with all this! I'm going to try and put up a few pics of my boys
<------ look i can see it lol this is sad that this is my big exciting friday night
this picture is about 5 months old but it's still cute, how do you moms get over the fear of your kids pictures being online
hehehe i feel like a new kid at school or something I'm anxious to make some blogger friends but too nervous to take that first step at any of the blogs I've read. Which of course leads me to another questions how do (or did) you get over that initial nervousness?
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