yes it goes on and on my friends some people started "doing it" ;) not knowing what it was but they'll continue doing
it forever just because... (because the "doing it" part is so much fun!) But seriously this parenting thing really does just go on and on and on. Where do I even start? How about 5:15 yesterday morning? M (the oldest) woke up and climbed into bed with us. My husband had a brilliant idea that he was going to take M fishing. So of course mommy had to get up to get the clothes which are all clean and sitting in piles in front of the washer and dryer in the basement. When does anyone have time to fold and put away clothes? Well by 6 all the boys were up and my husband and M were on their way out to catch the big one. E of course wanted to go fishing too, unfortuntely he's still too young to understand that next weekend is his turn. The rest of the day is filled up with the non-stop work and play that goes along with having 3 boys not counting my husband. It's not really hard work that goes into but boy does it tire me out. By the time bedtime rolls around I foolishly think the end of my day is near, but remember there really is no end. Just as I sit down to relax, I hear "mommy I have poopies". Then as soon as I get back downstairs from that diaper change, I hear M at the top of the stairs "mommy I need to go poopy". My husband is in the shower as all of this is going on of course. So M does is thing but wants to be carried back upstairs. I figure hey I didn't go to the gym today why not, maybe that will make me not feel so guilty when I sit down and eat a box of Junior Mints while I watch Sweeney Todd. So I carry M to his bed and go into my room to change into my jammyjams, just as I pull my pants up M bursts into my room "mommy I have a bloody nose". Back down the stairs we go and sit in the bathroom for another 10 minutes waiting for all the blood to stop. Of course M wants to be carried up again. Fine no problem like I said I can use the little extra workout. Plus I know that even though this job never ends the different stages fly by and it won't be very much longer at all that I will be able to carry him up or that he'll even want me too. I get everyone tucked back into bed and I head back to my spot on the sofa. I of course fall asleep watching the movie. I wake up enough to drag myself up to my room to sleep for what seems like minutes only to wake up and start it all over again. Don't get me wrong I never really want it to end I'd just like to push pause sometimes and just take a little break.
this is the closest thing I have to a pause button
a moment of mommy-M silliness caught to remember
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